Don't let your team or your business fall behind!


Congratulations! You and your leadership team have just wrapped up a successful strategic planning retreat and are the proud owners of a handful of new strategic imperatives. Well done!

If these initiatives are successfully implemented as planned, your business will accelerate toward the desired future state you and your team envisioned. You'll be on your way to BREAKTHROUGH RESULTS!

But Beware! 70% Of Strategic Plans Fail.

But as we talked about during our retreat, 70% of strategic plans don’t get implemented. They stutter, lag and die for lack of follow-through. Urgent daily matters too often take precedent over the long-term initiatives needed to create the success you envisioned. Working IN the business crowds out working ON it.

I don’t want the time, energy, and money you’ve invested in your new plan to be wasted – so I offer you the following simple service:

My Simple Offer:

I will help you and your team stay on track vis-à-vis your major new initiatives for $5,950 per month – for one month, a couple of months, or as long as will be helpful (my current record in 84 months).

No long-term commitment. No complex contracts. Just me providing you and your team consulting, coaching, and facilitation support to maintain momentum and focus. Think of me as an experienced outsider who becomes your accountability partner to help you achieve the results you envisioned at our retreat.

Typically, this simple monthly service includes activities such as:

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    Monthly half-day on-site visits if desired;
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    Bimonthly brainstorming, coaching, and accountability phone and video calls;
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    Unlimited ad hoc email, phone, and text support;
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    Team development activities (e.g., DiSC Behavioral profiles);
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    Participating in periodic update, progress reporting and team meetings;
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    Preparation for follow-up strategic planning events and activities;
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    Development of financial or strategic dashboards to track progress;
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    Sounding board conversations (i.e., I’m available for off-the-record “what if” conversations about anything business-related).
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    BONUS – after working together for at least three consecutive months, I’ll be happy to design and facilitate a 1 or 1½-day status review, accountability and team development offsite for you and your leadership team. Regular follow-up sessions are critical to successfully implementing strategic imperatives. 

Here's What I Want You To Do Next.

If you're interested in me helping you and your team to implement the strategic priorities we developed at your retreat, please give me a call at 316.634.1944 or use this form to express interest. I'll get back to you ASAP so that we don't lose any of the momentum and energy we generated at our retreat. Let's continue the good work we've begun together. BREAKTHROUGH RESULTS are on the horizon!

I'm Interested In Your Help Maintaining Momentum and Focus.

Don’t let your team’s hard work, enthusiasm, and alignment go to waste!